Outgoing Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) reflected on his 30 years of service in Congress in a wide-ranging farewell speech on Wednesday, and he dedicated several minutes to talking about progress he helped achieve on marijuana reform. “I cannot think of a life I would rather have lived—the highs and the lows, the idealism and the pragmatism, the courage and the weakness, the disappointments, and yes, the joyous outcomes that I have seen here as part of this living institution in its 230 years of legislative service to the people of the United States,” he said. Rohrabacher, who lost his seat to Democrat Harley Rouda in this month’s midterm election, ran down a list of achievements he was proud of and also defended himself against claims that he was Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “favorite congressman.” About half-way through the speech, which he titled, “Standing Against The Tide,” he turned his attention to cannabis. The “conservative credentials” that he earned during his time as...
I am Norma Pence.I'm a Crushing, grinding, and polishing machine tender in the Mode O'Day at Turney, MO