If you yourself don’t deal with anxiety, odds are someone you know suffers from a condition that’s rooted in this natural, fear-based response. Nearly 20 percent of U.S adults are affected by anxiety and anxiety-based disorders.
It’s not difficult to see why so many people are affected by feelings of apprehension, nervousness, or panic on a regular basis; modern life can be fast and hectic and that can trigger base responses that make us feel as though we might be in danger. These feelings can be normal and natural for a healthy brain. Sometimes, however, they come about frequently or severely, and can indicate that something is very wrong.
Sometimes anxiety disorders aren’t always manifested as panic attacks or hypersensitive responses, which can be the case with disorders like PTSD or social anxiety disorder; obsessive-compulsive disorders are also characterized as anxiety disorders. In these conditions, repetitive behaviors, hypervigilance, and ritualistic actions are more common symptoms.
No matter how symptoms present themselves, anxiety disorders can prevent people from living normal, productive lives and can lead to other unhealthy issues, including social isolation, depression, insomnia, and a range of other difficulties. This is why it’s important to find reliable treatments.
Apart from resources like counseling, cognitive behavioral therapies, and healthy coping techniques, there is a range of different medications that are used to target parts of the brain where anxiety responses originate. Many of these medications are meant to alter the release and reception of certain chemicals that affect mood and cognitive behavior, including feelings of anxiety and apprehension, such as serotonin.
Other treatments are focused on neurogenesis, also known as the creation of new neurons, in the hippocampus. The hippocampus portion of the brain is significant in treating anxiety as it plays an important role in memory formation and cognition. Patients with untreated depression and anxiety often have a smaller hippocampus compared to those who are undergoing or have undergone successful treatments.
When asking does CBD hemp oil help with anxiety, the answer may lie with these mechanisms. Some studies have shown that cannabidiol can have a similar effect to medications that affect serotonin reuptake in the brain, specifically SSRIs like Prozac and Zoloft. Some animal-based research and now a limited number of human-based studies show that CBD can produce an anti-anxiety effect that’s comparable with these antidepressant-based therapies, which are also used to control anxiety responses. Anxiety caused by traumatic memories, such as in cases of PTSD, may be helped by CBD’s effect on neurogenesis in the hippocampus.
If you’re considering using CBD hemp oil for anxiety, you’ll want to speak with your doctor first. Making any abrupt changes to medication or therapy programs for issues with anxiety, depression, and other psychiatric difficulties can have serious and dangerous consequences. If you and your doctor determine that CBD will be an effective and safe option for your needs, their guidance can make all the difference in getting positive and manageable results.
Original Article Source: https://blog.puredosage.com/cbd-hemp-oil/effective-for-anxiety
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